
Mining Promies

Minecraft | PC | États-Unis

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Mining Promies is a role play gaming community that role plays as the Empire of Promania, on the server game.thekingdomsmc.com we roleplay as seriously as possible, making the roleplay as realistic as possible while still staying within the server's lore, we do allow loose rp but encourage strong rp skills and help one another to further those skills, we use the line formation battle strategy's of the 1700's so rp is very important along with player **** main ambition is to become the most powerful nation in the server and if possible in multiple servers but keeping the rp and fun at an all-time high.

Experiences online

  • recommended to have played minecraft before not required
  • must have experience using the forums

Experiences offline

  • recommended to have mod/plugin experience


Mining Promies is a role play gaming community that role plays as the Empire of Promania, on the server game.thekingdomsmc.com we roleplay as seriously as possible, making the roleplay as realistic as possible while still staying within the server's lore, we do allow loose rp but encourage strong rp skills and help one another to further those skills, we use the line formation battle strategy's of the 1700's so rp is very important along with player cooperation.


  • must have skype do not need mic
  • must have en interest in role play or combat
  • must have cooperation skills


  • PromaniaNHigher

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