
Berserkers of Midgard

Minecraft | PC | Japon

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Berserkers of Midgard are a clan / guild of gamers who play together in a variety of games. Our focus is to assist each other in mastering the challenges of the game and opposing other groups. As the Vikings of old, we shall unleash a wrath that will not be tempered or vanquished until we have secured our victory.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Berserkers of Midgard / BOMGamers is currently recruiting new members. We are looking to build a strong community of friends who can enjoy the gaming experience together. As our name might suggest, we are based off of a Viking image and the clan is structured similar to a Norse clan. This provides ample opportunity to create a RP character and immerse yourself into the group. For the purpose of creating and maintaining a specific gaming environment for our members, prospective applicants must meet certain requirements and will be subject to a probation period as a guest before they can be admitted as a member. Please see our requirements below.

① Members must be 20 + years old. (18 years old may pass if a current member vouches for you.)
② Must be active at least twice a week or inform the clan of a prolonged absence. Members who are inactive for long periods without any contact will be removed.
③ Must be loyal to only our clan in any games we have a presence in.
④ This is an adult environment that supports freedom of expression. Members are free to curse, use and express all forms of humor (from just ignorant to highly offensive), and discuss any topic they wish including politics or faith.


  • 20+ years old
  • Active twice a week
  • Clan Loyalty


  • non spécifié(s)

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Vous pouvez attendre la prochaine campagne de recrutement de cette équipe ou alors devenir premium afin de postuler en "liste d'attente". L'équipe sera alors notifiée de votre fort interêt pour la rejoindre.

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