
Kyoto Aim

Osu! | PC | États-Unis

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The goal of Kyoto Aim is to pick up small and large dedicated youtubers and streamers and grow our team and grow our players together so that everyone in the team can get recognized by bigger organizations and hopefully get picked up. We believe no matter what age you are, you should be able to become successful for what you're passionate about. We are a growing team, recently established in January if this year, but if you want to grow your channel with others we are here to pick you up.

Experiences online

  • Streaming/Uploading Videos
  • Able to voicechat

Experiences offline

  • Has a good schedule
  • Can Communicate


Hi, I'm Chewyshow, founder of Kyoto Aim. As you can see there aren't many OSU teams so I guess you can say we are a special team. If you join our team you will officially be apart of content creating family. Recommended rank is anything below 1,000,000. Also be able to stream 2 hours everyday excluding weekends and/or upload youtube videos weekly, breaks are fine. We are a small and growing team, if you want to come join us just send a dm! Also the amount of subscribers/followers don't matter, as long as you're dedicated. Also you don't need to show your face if you don't want to.


  • Streaming Daily/Uploading weekly
  • Under 1,000,000 rank
  • Has a good mic/ can voice chat
  • Act Professional


  • non spécifié(s)

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