
London Lions

Overwatch | XBOX ONE | Royaume-Uni

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I want us to stay coherent, so if we lose a match, we should just accept our mistakes and do even better the next time and just have fun. Take no stress. We take anyone who aspires to play in cups and tournaments for pride and honour! I hope one day we can get to the Overwatch League!!

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hi! I want to make an Overwatch team so we can participate in tournaments and be the best team together. My name is Terminator22870 on Xbox. I want us to try our best as a team, and just be calm and friendly. I am available on Fridays from 5:30 pm to 8pm BST. I will recruit anyone who is willing to join me and get victory after victory! We can go together further and maybe make it to OWL one day!!! # RoarOn!!


  • No toxicity
  • Do not leave if we lose
  • Stay coherent
  • Be there for tournies, practice and matches. If you cannot come, inform me beforehand.


  • non spécifié(s)

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