
Team Mystics

Overwatch | PC | États-Unis

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The ambitions here are to help you to grow as a coach or even as someone who wants to be a player but you just need a little bit more work with communication.
The ambitions of the organization is to make Team Mystics a known organization, The Owner strives to have the players and coaches work to their goal, whether it be, go pro, be a streamer, or even just play competitively for a bit until you decide your future with team Mystics.

Experiences online

  • Rank on Overwatch

Experiences offline

  • Some sort of leadership


This is Team Mystics a growing Esports organization, we currently have a Valorant team and an Overwatch team however the Overwatch team is in need of coaches.
We are in need of an Assistant Coach who specializes in tank
We are also in need of an Assistant Coach who specializes in Support

Your job as this position is to help the team do better as a player in their specific role, you are in charge of private sessions and different practice tasks to give your category of role.

You will be in direct coordination of the Head Coach (Sneaky | Ryan) who is in charge of group tactics and game scheduling.
You will also be required to watch VODs of the scrims and games and see what you need to do to help your role category.


  • 16 years old
  • Must be Mid-High plat or more in your category
  • Patience and Time
  • Must be able to work with others


  • non spécifié(s)

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