
Team Azurite

Overwatch | PC | États-Unis

pas de recrutement en cours

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Just be cool and work together
Be serious about ranking up

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Looking to group up to rank up. Must be B2 and up. I've been playing Overwatch for 6+ years, so I'm not new and will see if you're trying or not. It's casual thing but we need to rank up. We'll communicate through discord to decide when we play. I have a discord server to communicate on so when we'll schedule a playthrough, we'll decide on when we start. I play DPS but you guys can play without me on the discord server if you want, I would like to see it posted on the channel server so I can spectate sometimes. I'll only need like 9 people but might need more to make it fun. You can leave the team and join a organized team once you rank up enough and I'll send you a server name so you can advertise yourself. We can keep this as a small server if you'd like for specific reasons. I'll need you to open up your profile to see your stats, only if I'm not your friend on battle.net. We will eventually add each other as friends if we get along, thank you!

NA only


  • Willing to play around night 9pm pst or at mid day
  • Maturity is a must


  • non spécifié(s)

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