
The Ruthless Owls

Overwatch | XBOX ONE | États-Unis

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TRO is going to break the mold and put fun before competitiveness. Ask any sports team, MLG team, or anybody that works in a team. The most important cog is how you get along with each other, that is how you build the trust. I am sure we will grow, and than we can separate into groups that better assist our gaming experience. Till that times comes we build, we play, and we learn with each other.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Do you remember when gaming was fun? Do you remember when "competitive play" consisted of a sofa, LAN switch, and whole lot of screaming. Have you got older and are unable to play 40 hours week, but still take every extra moment to play. Perhaps you can play 40 hours a week, but grinding on the Quick play just leaves a empty spot.
Well ladies and gentlemen lets start something new here. Too many clans take themselves way to serious. Forcing you to "try out" or fill out an essay telling them how bad you want to be part of their team. Why should we beg and cry just to play with a good team!



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