
Marauder Clan

Overwatch | PC | États-Unis

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We are looking to grow in size, and increase the skill of our playerbase.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Hey there you !@#$in beautiful disaster!

Have you grown tired of playing alone? Are random teammates constantly driving you nuts? Are you close to having the salt/water ratio of the Dead Sea? Boy, have I got news for you!

The Marauders is an international, you heard it; international, multi-gaming clan that focuses on skill before fun. You may ask why skill first? Simply because we have a heartfelt belief that as you grow and gain skill in your game, fun is a byproduct of winning more often. Unlike most clans, we don’t expect the new applicants to already be extremely skilled at the game they want to main. We teach them. We coach them. Aye, you read it right, we coach. One of our chief goals is that our members maintain a high level of play and are skilled at their main game and for that we have coaches, who have shown exquisite talent and are willing to pass their knowledge onward.

Interested? Head over to our website at **** and submit an application.


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