
Yet to be decided

Overwatch | PC | Suède

pas de recrutement en cours

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Yet to be decided logo
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To compete in tournaments.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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We are a relatively newly formed competitive team that has suddenly lost one of our DPS players as well as a main tank due to real-life issues. Therefore, we are looking for someone new who is aiming for diamond/masters in s3 and wants to start playing in tournaments. The roles we are lacking is someone who primarily plays hitscan, snipers and Mei, as well as a second person who plays primarily Reinhardt and Winston, but the more characters you feel comfortable with the better!

We practice detailed shotcalling and work together to form strategies as a team. Do not be fooled by our low sr, we come straight out of solo queue hell. Mechanics are not our biggest strength, it's communication and teamwork.

We need you to be available to play around 9PM CET and forward to about midnight. We practice three nights a week, weekdays yet to be decided. You need to be able to listen well and follow instructions, as well as be polite and **** ask that you are 16 years old or more, have a mic and are a proficient English speaker. Of course, accents are all fine!
Anyone who has a season high of 2200 or more will be accepted for tryouts. Do not be afraid to write here if you have questions or wish to apply.

We hope to see you with us for season 3!


  • non spécifié(s)


  • non spécifié(s)

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