
Team Tahit

Overwatch | PC | France

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Team Tahit wants to establish teams in all games as were a multi-gaming **** believe that nationality differences don't matter as were Australian and want teams from all countries as it connects us across the world and brings us to a place we called eSports that we all love. We want the best for all of our teams so we will do anything to support you.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Established in late 2016, Team Tahit is Professional Gaming & Entertainment Team. We have built a strong foundation in the scenes of eSports & YouTube. Currently, we compete in Australian gaming tournaments and create videos on YouTube that reach audiences all across the world. We have ventured out into several games like CS:GO, Rocket League and more. Our social media outlets have accumulated thousands of followers and we strive to only secure even more.


  • non spécifié(s)


  • Blitz.Energy
  • Boss Boxes
  • Fatal Grips
  • JerkyPro

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