
-§m- Steel Meridian

Overwatch | PC | États-Unis

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-§m- Steel Meridian logo
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Looking to add tanks, healers, dps, all arounders to fill the holes in our team throughout the day.

join here and ill add ya.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


The best way to describe this group of members is a family. We play together. Argue together. Resolve issues together. But best of all we have a blast. Ultimately, when you decide to get on your computer, you know you got a good group to hangout with on a regular basis. We do get a bit restless and switch games alot depending on the day but we always have our mainstays.

Anyone is welcome as long as the toxicity level remains in discord and not in game. We play all things casually, and some competively. We are moving slowly away from Guns of Icarus as our main game, however we are moving to Squad, Overwatch and essentially all Coop games in general. If interested join the group and well hit ya up shortly. We do want to remain small so everyone gets to know everyone well enough however we are currently recruiting.

EU/NA friendly. EU Currently has the dominating member count though NA is not far behind :)

Little bit of a transition to new forum soon with paid for hosting.


  • Just no toxicity in game. Discord only


  • non spécifié(s)

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