
Team Phonoi

Overwatch | PC | États-Unis

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Making a place for members of a game to meet up and play together!

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Everyone's been in a competitive game, trying their best to win, but none of your team is trying. You have someone playing Torb **** healers. Five DPS. Everyone wants to get better at the game, and sometimes that takes getting to know people in your rank better, and having a group of teammates that you know will be there to help you win. It's a win - win.

I have made a discord server that I hope will help with this. To make it easy to find exactly the right people to play with, this server shows people's ranks along with their role (DPS, Tank, Support). Anyone in any rank is welcome!

Along with just being able to find people to queue with, we will also be hosting fun custom games for everyone to join in on and enjoy.

Discord: ****
I hope you will come on and have a good time!


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  • non spécifié(s)

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