

Overwatch | PC | États-Unis

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to move up the ranks in OD eventually, to get better in a team setting and get us all some real overwatch team experience. and to win of course ;p

Experiences online

  • Any competitive games are a plus

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


3.5k+ assorted team members, almost all roles ===> Looking to recruit for new team, we will decide name when the harder parts have been taken care.

specific roles as follows,
Main tank - (rein, winston, orisa and pref ball if u can its a plus)
Flex DPS- projectile to zarya, to soldier, u are the secret weapon ;) the pocket picker :)
hitscan DPS - shitscan mostly, can play brig for goats ( who cant)
Main healer - so mercy, ana and bap come to mind right away, any other hero is a plus

now these are the main roles im looking for NO MATTER WHAT YOU PLAY please send me a message I am willing to give anybody 3.53k and higher a shot. lets make this happen , have a bit of fun and maybe bear the fruits of our labor in sweet victory in OD possibly ;) shoot me an email or add me on discord


  • 3.5k sr average
  • Good attidude to flexing, learning and compromising


  • If you've got one all the better, by no means required or expected al all

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