

Overwatch | PC | États-Unis

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-Sign under a professional esport organization
-Win contenders Overwatch
-Sign with an overwatch league team
-grow as a team
-team building

Experiences online

  • Scrub Cup( Large Amateur Overwatch Tournament ): Second place overall
  • HSEL Winter Opens: (Top 10 in the nation)
  • HSEL Spring Majors: (#1 rank east coast) (ongoing undefeated)(top 10 in nation)

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


We are a well organized, young and growing team. Our Overwatch team has played in the largest high school Esports league for 2 years now. Our first season in this league we were a plat average team and were able to place in top 10 over 3,000 schools nationwide. We are currently participating in the HSEL Spring Majors and are running with an undefeated record. We have since grown to a diamond-masters team and are looking to earn scholarship money and recruitment opportunities for our players. As a team we are all currently juniors in high school who will be graduating in 2021. Considering our team synergy, the growth we have been able to accomplish we would like to continue playing together after our high school years. We are ranked the number one high school Overwatch team on the east coast. Unfortunately high school doesn't last forever which is why we are looking to sign under a professional esports organization so we can continue to grow and reach grand masters and top 500 together and make it onto the Overwatch League.


  • non spécifié(s)


  • Emblem Athletics

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