
Team Maglia

Paladins | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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Well we are currently hosting Paladins tournaments with Pro Esports gaming organization, first tournament will be Monday September the 2nd, 2019 at 4PM EST, it will be a custom match 3v3 until we get more players then we will do 5v5, but for right now we are starting out with 3v3, if you want to join the event make sure to join the discord and we can get you an interview straight away. We will be hosting other games with Pro Esports, but we need captains for those games in certain divisions. Our main goal is to go pro, and working with Pro Esports gives us many opportunities that we are grateful for. If you have what it takes to join our clan and or even be a captain/division officer then come join our Maglia recruitment center today!

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Hello there! Team Maglia reporting for duty! Here's a little bit about us, we are a family first and clan second. We do support all games we just need captains/division officers to fill those spots, but we do as of now support Paladins. We are an 16+ clan, we are strong hearted people willing to help all people who are wanting to join in this clan called Team Maglia! We will be doing tournaments with all games when we fill those spots. Thank you for choosing Team Maglia!

Additional Information:
We are active all day and all night for the most part, there is always a clan member on to train. We only accept players that are 18 or older into our clan and that have reasonably open schedules. We are truly a family first and clan second! We are currently looking for players on Xbox or PC to finish our Paladins division we have a couple spots left! We are also looking for captains for CSGO, APEX,

Ground rules/Requirements:
Respect everyone! Jokes about mental disabilities and illnesses will NOT be tolerated. If you think it may come off rude then don't say it. MUST be 18+. MUST use clan tag in game and in discord. MUST listen to your Captains and Division Officers when in training/practice sessions and during tournaments. MUST be professional. MUST use discord while in practice/training sessions and in tournaments. MUST have a mic and headset. MUST have a reasonable schedule. Please make sure to rep us or put the clan tag in your name on Twitch(We will be repping each and everyone of you as well.)
Changing your in game name and discord name to your clan name(Mandatory). Must be 18+(Mandatory). Must have a reasonable schedule. Please make sure to rep us or put the clan tag in your name on Twitch(We will be repping each and everyone of you as well.)


  • Must be 16+
  • Must change in game name and discord name
  • Must have a reasonably open schedule
  • Must work well with others
  • Must be respectful and follow rules
  • Must use discord
  • Must show up for practices, if not then must give reason for not showing up


  • non spécifié(s)

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