
ProCalibre Gaming

Player Unknown Battlegrounds | PC | États-Unis

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ProCalibre was a gaming and e-sports community formed back in 2010 and included teams for Call of Duty 4, Modern Warfare 2, League of Legends, Counterstrike Source, Counterstrike 1.6, America's Army, and Medal of Honor. We are a community of gamers that have members that game for fun, and those that game for competition.

We are happy to welcome players of different skill levels into our community, and those that wish to practice and hone their skills and gameplay to reach a more competitive level can tryout for the competitive teams and compete in leagues under the PROCAL tag.

After a several year hiatus, the founders and several key members of the organization have come back together to be part of the ever-growing e-sports community. We're excited for what the future will bring and are excited to re-enter the online gaming community. Stop by our Discord by clicking the link above. Whether you just want to play or are interested in joining, we'd love to have a chat and play a few games.
Actively seeking competitive teams to join the organization with potential sponsorship. Please contact Reverence or X via Discord with interest or questions.


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