
Hellraising Gaming

Rainbow six siege | PC | États-Unis

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We want to get to the next level of gaming. As well as in the future to open an eSports Arena and central game center.

Experiences online

  • We have two contracted players in Super Smash Bros Melee.

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


We are currently looks for players to assemble a full squad for R6S. We already have a Team Captain - RektByStorm

Once we receive contact from you, we will review your stats and then we will reach out to you. Once we reach out to you, at that time we will state approved or not. If approved you will be invited to the Core Community of HRG to fill out the application. Once done, then we will schedule a tryout. The tryout will consist of casual games with the Team Captain and the Recruiter. If passed the tryouts at that point, you will then be assigned to the squad.

This squad once formed will be a Tier 2 Level within HRG Competitive.

Tier 2 benefits are as follow:
- You will be placed as the squad on the HRG website and will have a chance to add 2 social media links.
- We will advertise when the squad is playing in a tournament
- Each Player on the squad if you stream we will automatically post the stream in the HRG discord
- The squad will then be tracked on the progress of tournaments and placements to be on track to potentially be officially be signed by Team HRG to get to Tier 3.

Tier 3 benefits are as follow:
- Free HRG Team Jersey
- Same benefits of Tier 2
- If you want help with your brand as a player we will assist with merchandising free of costs to the player
- We will pay for reasonable hotel accommodations if you make it to a Major Lan Event for the length of the event only.
- You will receive a special referral code to be used in the HRG Store which will provide a 5% discount and every 10 transactions of your custom code used will be given $5.00

HRG is a company which is owned and operated by Tier 3 Gaming LLC. We the company opened on 12/05/2020. We are based upon a core community and are also a brand.

Our core principles are:
- Opportunity
- Integrity
- Transparency
- Fairness
- Fun


  • Must have a Mic
  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Must be very good at communication
  • Preferred NA East Server in-game


  • https://jerky.pro/discount/HRG

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