
ACE Esports

Rainbow six siege | PC | États-Unis

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Have fun playing ranked together while competing in different tournaments to try and climb the pro ladder.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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We are a brand new team who are just starting. Our goal to begin with is prison rules, take down the biggest guy in the yard. We want to hit the ground running but running like the Flash. Our goal is to go big one day but realistically all we want to do is have fun, make new friends, and just vibe on a game we all mostly love. We have a coach who has played R6 at the collegiate level, so to say he knows what he is doing is quite an understatement.

For us rank does not overly matter. Rank right now is just a reward system so it does not really show how good you are until you start getting into the top 5,000 champs. All we ask is that you have some time played during ranked 1.0 and can show that rank or if you don't we will have to see what you can do in a match and against our champ friend.
A few of our must be able to do's that we don't want to clutter our conditions with include:
- Know your role for both attack and defense or have a rough idea (IGL, Flex, Support, EF, Roamer, Soft Roamer, Anchor)
- Work well with others
- Be able to not only take instructions but also criticism too. We can not have someone with a hot temper who will refuse to learn and grow.
- Have 4/5th of all characters unlocked
- No macros or cheats of any kind. It actually pains me to add this but both are rampant right now in the community.
- Have a k/d and win% within the range of your role. Support - .50+ with 54%+. IGL - .75+ with 56%. EF - 1.00+ with 50%. Flex - .80+ with 54%.
Our biggest ask is that you come into this with 100% effort and want to grow with us.


  • Must be 16+ years old
  • Must have Discord
  • Must have a working MIC
  • Ethernet or really good wifi
  • Respectable + reputation
  • Be able to practice at least 3 times a week


  • non spécifié(s)

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