

Rainbow six siege | PC | États-Unis

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We want to provide a friendly and competitive atmosphere for our members. We like to go out and play organized and try out hardest to win the match every time. We also like to be laid back, and just casually play when we are on our down time. The mixture is the perfect remedy for a successful friendly gaming community!

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Maxime honorem

As a member of the Hell Bound Soldiers Military Realism Virtual Unit (henceforth referred to as Unit) it is your duty to oppose all enemies of the Unit in virtual combat. Your behavior is guided by the Code of Conduct which has evolved from the heroic history, experiences and deeds of our members during our many years of existence. Your values are best expressed by our Code of Conduct, our Rules of Engagements and our General Orders which you have agreed to abide by, uphold, and defend. You would have these obligations to your unit and your fellow members even if the Code of Conduct had never been formulated as a high standard of general behavior.


  • Contact Vilseck[HBS] on steam to set up an interview in our teamspeak.


  • non spécifié(s)

Aucune offre de recrutement active

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Cette équipe n'est actuellement plus en recherche active de joueurs.
Vous pouvez attendre la prochaine campagne de recrutement de cette équipe ou alors devenir premium afin de postuler en "liste d'attente". L'équipe sera alors notifiée de votre fort interêt pour la rejoindre.

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