
Team Interza

Rainbow six siege | PC | États-Unis

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Hello. I am recruiting for individuals that or Platinum 3 and higher for a position on my new team, Interza


- A player who is online often.

- A player who can take constructive criticism.

- A player who has a good balance of knowing the game and having good aiming capability.

- A player who has experience in the game.

- A player that was at least Platinum in the last seasons. (don’t lie, I can just check r6db.com )

Recruiting Process:

The recruiting process will not take long at all, and will last approximately 1-5 casual games.

About Me:

Hello. I have been somewhere in Platinum every season since Season 1 when this game first came out. I have just above 1600 hours of experience in this game, and ultimately when I am solo queing, there is always that one random player that is completely toxic or just sucks. I believe that I have the personal ability to become a diamond-tier, top-tier player, but definitely not the team ability. This is why I am creating this team, as I am willing to put in the team effort of creating a team that is at a high skill level.

Competitive Rank History:

First Season: Platinum III

Operation Black Ice: Platinum I

Operation Dust Line: Platinum I

Operation Skull Rain: N/A (Break)

Operation Red Crow: Platinum II

Operation Velvet Shell: Platinum III

Operation Health: Platinum III

Operation Blood Orchid: Platinum III

Operation White Noise: Platinum II


The first goal for this team for me is to gather up some great players that are willing to put in the effort to become diamond-tier players. From there, the second goal would be to compete in Community cups, ESL events, and other tournaments that are being held today.

Discord Server: ****

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Team Interza


  • non spécifié(s)


  • non spécifié(s)

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