
Pyroclastic Gaming

Rainbow six siege | PC | Royaume-Uni

pas de recrutement en cours

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Réputation basée sur 1 vote


We would like to be in Gold division in Ranked play and have some fun, friendly banter with the team.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


We're currently a couple of 17 year old English boys who are looking for a team we can consistently play Rainbow Six Siege with so that we don't keep losing easy matches as a result of playing on a team of randoms. We would like you to be competent at speaking English, although you don't have to be from England; be in at least Silver on Ranked and have a working microphone. We would also like you to be able to play Rainbow Six Siege quite often, usually between the hours of 17:00 - 22:00 GMT on weekdays, although you don't have to play the whole amount of time. Finally, we would like you to be at 14 or over, no squeakers please. Feel free to apply, we're friendly people who don't mind if you make mistakes, we're not that great in all honesty. We will let you know when we can or can't play via a group chat, which we will invite you to once you have been accepted into the team.


  • Have a working microphone
  • Be at least 14
  • Be in at least Silver
  • Be able and willing to play Ranked with us most days
  • Speak English
  • Be able to play on the European servers with no lag


  • non spécifié(s)

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