
Zeus (ZK)

Rainbow six siege | PC | Royaume-Uni

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ABOUT US We work for Virtual Horizons E sport, a Scandinavian company that has 1 pro league team in csgo and NHL and is in need of a Siege pro team. The VH will sponsor and pay the players in their pro teams once they have met the requirements of establishing themselves (Faceit and Tournamtes). Our goal is to find players that are willing to take it to the next level. The first step would be introductions, getting accepted and having a role assigned. The next step would be attending practice and implementing strats for ranking, face it and tournaments.**

Main Requirements: PC STATS ONLY Rank Gold 1 (atleast) for 2 seasons or more Must be 16 yo or older Available 5 days a week including the sunday GO4's Can bear with us to watch vods and do boring dryruns Able to take critisism Lannable Aims to get to CL ASAP and to win other smaller tourneys Hope to hear from you!

Contact If you match those requirements feel free to PM me with the following template filled in

[]=[] Application []=[] First Name: Age: Nationality: Dedication: uPlay Name: ESL Profile Link: R6Tab Link: Ingame Level: Past Teams: Preferred Role: Most Played Role: Best Role: Additional info:

Discord : LionHawk97.**** Discord link:**** Once you have joined the discord go to normal channels and enter try outs.. Read the pinned message and do as it asks. You will then be contacted shortly.

Availability 12.00 CET - 23.00 CET Pretty much everyday.


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