

Rainbow six siege | PC | Royaume-Uni

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To grow out the community so we have a big group of awesome people who can chill out and play games together.

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Siege community sitting at around **400 members** looking for players who are chill and are wanting to play siege seriously when needed (i.e. ranked games) but chill also and enjoy having a laugh. Things are up and running for the new season, so what are you waiting for, **join up and lets play some siege!**

Looking for

We are looking for players who are willing to help the community thrive. We love people who are **serious** when they need to be but **funny** and **chilled out** in relaxed gamemodes like casual. It's all about growing a community with people who are not extremely toxic and can actually help each other out and get ranked up.

Rank really doesnt matter for the most part, we have a bunch of low rank players and a bunch of high rank players. So we will have players that sit around your rank for sure.

We are still looking for some high quality players who are looking for a team who can play ESL, Go4, Tournaments etc. but we want to make sure we have the right group before doing this.


Some of us higher ups are online 8 hours a day, whereas others are online 16 hours a day. It depends on things like work and university. But there is always people online who you can talk to.


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