

Rocket League | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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Our ambitions are to qualify for RLCS. And since there are a to of teams in RLCS X, I think that we will have a good chance. In our clan, the major accomplishment is to reach the top level of play.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


We are an Esports clan that has successful teams in other games such as Fortnite, Brawl Stars, LOL, and Valorant. We are looking to start a rocket league team with players from gold-platinum. If you are interested to join, you will be put through tryouts to see if you are the real deal. Then, we will grind together until we are at the professional level, so you have to be commited. You may be thinking, why do they not just recruit high level players? Well, with this process we take good players together and by the time they reach pro level, they will have chemistry that puts them above all other teams. The other reason is that me, the leader of this part of Deez, is platinum and our clan requires one original member in each team. So, with that said, good luck!


  • You have to be high gold to plat, and commited to the clan.


  • non spécifié(s)

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