
MVP Surge ESports

Rocket League | MULTIPLATFORM | Canada

pas de recrutement en cours

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offre de recrutement
Réputation basée sur 1 vote


We want to show the world who's the best and what we are made out of. Our name means that we are always at the top, number one like MVP and a Surge (To rise, roll, move, or swell forward) we never give up or stop fighting!

Experiences online

  • Tournaments
  • Team Practice
  • Coaching

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


MVP Surge Esports is a brand new team just starting up looking for all the best young talent! Prodigy's and already great players so we can all become better and compete in tournaments and make a name for ourselves. We will practice a lot as a team and go over game plans and strategies and work hard as a team. Please only apply if you can use a mic and speak clearly, you can be from any country as long as your able to play on US-E servers. Please only apply if you are Champ or above 2's or 3's (When applying please state your ranks, why you should be accepted, your time zone, your location, and when your free and how often)Once you get accepted you will be invited to the discord and we will have a try out:)


  • 15+
  • Mic on
  • On Daily (EST)
  • Active on discord
  • Platinum II+


  • non spécifié(s)

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