
Vanilla Spice Esports

Rocket League | MULTIPLATFORM | Royaume-Uni

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offre de recrutement
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Compete amongst the top teams across the globe, and cement our players into the ever increasing legacy of Esports.

Recruit 3 competitive, driven players with strong competitive mindsets.

Continually grow our organisation centred around being a large family, passionate about competition.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


We are vanilla spice, an upcoming Esports team looking for the next generation of talent to represent us as we build our organisation from the ground up. run by a duo of young adults heavily invested in Esports, we strive to compete at the highest level of competition, ensuring the health, wellbeing and success of our athletes remains the forefront of our image. Tenacious, hard working contenders deserve a shot to prove their perseverance can reflect a successful career in Esports, and we would love to give you such a opportunity.


  • Have to be in between the ages of 15-20
  • Have to have a minimum rank of Champ 3
  • Have to be based in Europe
  • Have to be able to maintain positive relations with others around them


  • non spécifié(s)

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