
Team Lost Fortune

Rocket League | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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Build up the organization as whole
Be able to pick up some teams to different game titles
Help out players get more of an image
Win tournaments!

Experiences online

  • Former AM Players
  • Was Ranked 3rd for Black Ops 3 Team Ladder In N/A
  • Multiple COD League Top Finishes
  • Multiple Online Tournament Wins

Experiences offline

  • Past 2nd place LAN COD Win


Myself and a few friends all decided to take the next step in gaming which is streaming.
Gaming has always played a big role in our lives and would love to keep the dream alive for others
like us. We started a twitch channel Called TeamLostFortune and have over 400 followers on the site.
We are creating a discord as well as a twitter because a lot of our viewers inquired about
such socials.
We also are looking to pick up different teams in different games in order to broaden our audience
and show that anyone is welcomed no matter the game you may play.
Gaming was a safe space for some of us and we would love to make others feel comfortable in that
aspect as well!
With all this being said we are looking to pick up streamers, competitive players, and content creators!
Think we might be for you? Contact us!
Lifestyle, Legacy, Lost Fortune. WE ARE THE LOST ONES. EST. 2022 Powered by @WeAreJuJu
Owners Twitter is IamJTG_
Our Twitter is TeamLostFortune
Our Twitch is /teamlostfortune


  • non spécifié(s)


  • https://twitter.com/WeAreJuJu

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