
Omni Gaming

Rocket League | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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Have a good time while progressing in skill and rank with the ultimate goal in splitting into casual and competitive squads to meet the wishes of the members.

Experiences online

  • Active Discord
  • Team Website
  • Weekly Practices

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Omni Gaming is starting a Rocket League Squad! Join Today! All levels of players are welcome to join. We will be practicing together and working to build a solid squad relying on teamwork, communication & fundamentals to have fun in competitive matches & tournaments.

Feel free to check out the discord in the link section below & soon we will have a website up and ready as well.

Omni Gaming exists to create a unified and inclusive space for passionate gamers from all walks of life. Our mission is to foster an environment that emphasizes teamwork, tactical acumen, open communication, and mutual respect. We are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful community, free from discrimination, political discourse, religious debates, and adult content. In every interaction, our mantra is to 'Game together, grow together'.

Squad Types:
We offer three distinct squad categories within Omni Gaming to accommodate various commitment levels and gameplay interests:

Casual Squads: These squads are a perfect match for members who have limited availability or those who prefer a more laid-back gaming atmosphere. Casual squads gather for a practice session once a week and offer flexibility for members to enjoy multiple games at a relaxed pace.

Conventional Squads: Suited for more engaged members, these squads conduct practice sessions at least twice a week. Participation in multiple squads is permissible provided the practice schedules don’t overlap, allowing members to explore diverse gaming experiences.

Competitive Squads: Tailored for those who seek intense competition and high engagement, these squads require significant commitment, with practice sessions held at least three times a week. Members are actively involved in competitive endeavors such as tournaments, ladders, and leaderboards. Please note that due to the intensity and dedication required, members of competitive squads may only participate in one such squad at a time.

Each squad type within Omni Gaming offers a unique gaming experience, facilitating an ideal fit based on your schedule, commitment, and preferred intensity. Choose wisely to fully immerse in a gaming journey that resonates with you the most.


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