
Untilted eSport RL

Rocket League | PC | France

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The Untilted esports team aims to reach the pinnacle of competitive gaming. Through dedication, innovative strategies, and relentless training, we strive to win titles and leave a lasting impact. Join us on our journey towards excellence in esports!

Experiences online

  • Billy's ligue 3,4,5,6

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


We are Untilted, a passionate and determined esports team pushing the boundaries of competitive gaming. Bringing together talented and dedicated players, we strive to become a formidable force in the esports realm.

Our team seek for experienced players, each specializing in specific roles. By working together, we form a strong and cohesive unit, ready to take on any challenges that come our way.

We believe in the importance of regular training and effective communication. We are committed to constantly improving as individuals and as a team, delivering high-quality performances in every competition.

Our main goal is to create an enjoyable and engaging competitive gaming experience for both our players and audience. We aim to inspire and entertain spectators through our strategic team play and passion for esports.

Beyond the game, we value teamwork, fair play, and respect. We believe in building a strong and positive community around our team, interacting with our fans, and participating in community events.

Join us on this exciting esports journey and follow our progress as we push the boundaries of excellence in the world of competitive gaming!


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  • non spécifié(s)

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