
Night Owl eSports

Rocket League | PC | États-Unis

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Our ambitions are to go far in the next season of RLCS, form a strong team bond, and to win together.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


We are an up and coming eSports team competing in Rocket League with hopes of going far in RLCS. We're looking for players with a good team synergy, the ability to perform under pressure, and motivation to win. We are in need of three or more mature, skilled and cooperative players who can fill multiple roles on our team roster. We are also in need of three substitute players. You will have to sign a contract upon entry of the team, and some of the details of the contract are as follows; It is currently unpaid, however, as we negotiate with sponsors, players will hopefully be paid soon. The default contract length is 180 days with an option for extension, but the length of time can be **** winning tournaments, 50%-40% (negotiable) of prize money shall be split between the team and players. This is so we can continue to fund the team, yet also have a fair payment for our players. We hope you consider joining Night Owl eSports.


  • Good sportsmanship
  • Ability to practice with the rest of the team
  • Discord
  • Must sign the contract to join
  • Must be able to perform under pressure
  • Must be able to follow the guidelines and terms of the contract.


  • non spécifié(s)

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