
Team Eleven Gaming

Rocket League | XBOX ONE | États-Unis

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We hope to continue to grow and possibly make gaming a career opportunity for the players who join. We will try to get you into as many tournaments as possible and hope that you can grow as a player and as a person.

Experiences online

  • Online tournaments such as ESL

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hello I am the team manager for a organization called Team Eleven Gaming! We currently have over 30 players at this time and are looking to start a new Rocket League roster. We currently have a Rocket League team captain and we are just looking for players to tryout to join the T11 Rocket League roster. We are looking for players with the minimum rank of Champ 3 in the standard playlist in Rocket League. We would also like you to be open to coaching and very verbal so that communication is very efficient. There will be tryouts for the 2 starting positions remaining on the roster and there will also be tryouts to be the teams substitute player.


  • Must be at least Champ 3 in standard
  • Must communicate with you teammates effectively


  • Rogue Energy
  • Stream Labs OBS
  • Fatal Grips

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