
Team Awaken - Ethereal Gaming

Smite | PC | États-Unis

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long term ambitions- ProLeague representing ethereal gaming
Mid-term Ambitions- Smite for money battleriff
Short term ambitions- Practices, and tournaments with Smite Central

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Contact me- ****

My name is David player name angeldavid0034. I am with ethereal gaming and getting my attempt at making a pro league team. I have people already that are amazing at what they do, but obviously want to add more to the group.
The fact is that unless you've worked with a consistent team no one applying is good at smite yet. It takes practice, dedication, communication, and loyalty to become a good smite player. We are going to get our asses kicked the first 20 games, because we are learning how to play as an actual team. It is important to remember this will take time. However with weekly practices, (My goal 3 days in the week but meet peoples schedules) trying tournaments with smite central will eventually get good enough to play and win.


  • Be friendly, Work hard, and have loyalty.


  • Ethereal Gaming

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