
Team Vize

Valorant | PC | Royaume-Uni

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We are looking to be the best at what we are and to grow a caring, commited and skilled community.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Hey guys we are Vize, we are a Cod and Valorant org that are always looking for players in both feilds,
Why should you join?

We are based in both EU and NA. Wether you are looking for some guys to play with or looking to take things serious we can serisouly help you.
We offer scrims every few days which will 100 percent be getting more and more common with the more players we get, why should you take part in these? The more you are active within Vize and our discord the more you will be reconised by our admins and Regional leaders to recruit you, You get amazing practice without compirmizing your rank, and you can rank up through our server the more active and known you are and the more we see you. More people we get the more teams we can run. We are looking to really grow as an org so if you are looking for a team come say hi you never know what will happen.

Now for my Competitive players here are your requirments:
Plat 1 and diamond 3.
16+ (expections are given on this given on maturity levels)
Must have a mic and speak fluent english
Be able to take critisim.
CSGO expirence is recommended but not needed.


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