

Valorant | PC | États-Unis

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Experiences online

  • Modern Warfare Tournaments
  • Overwatch Tournaments
  • Valorant PlayerOneEsports 1st Tournament Placed 2nd June 2020
  • HSEL 2018 Fall Overwatch 1st NA
  • HSEL 2018 Fall Rainbow 6 4th NA

Experiences offline

  • 2nd Place Overwatch Bear Cup Tournament @ California State Fair 2019


Hello my name is redstar/redstar1080p I'm currently looking for players to join my Valorant team to queue with and do tournaments with and without wagers. Before Valorant I played on my high school's Overwatch and Rainbow Six Siege esports team. My team for R6 Placed 4th North America through HSEL's Fall Season 2018. However, Overwatch was my specialty, I played DPS mainly widowmaker for my team. We placed 1st North America through HSEL's Fall Season 2018. In 2019 my overwatch team got invited CalExpo's BearCup which was a college only tournament besides us. We placed 2nd in the BearCup and played against Overwatch teams such as, SacState, UC Berkeley, and San Jose State. (UC Davis was also a participant, but got beaten by UC Berkeley. We beat UC Berkeley.) I played only about 2 weeks of Valorant's closed beta, but achieved plat 2 which is nothing to brag about however I've been grinding unrated since the official release, can't wait to grind ranked. If you are interested in doing tournaments please feel free to message me I currently have 3 spots still open for my team :) The next tournament is through player one esports which will be on June 20th.

- Any tournament background
- At least achieved Plat 1
- Willing to learn and grind

(Not necessary, but experience is appreciated)

**We will not accept any toxic behavior


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