
Thirfty esports

Valorant | PC | États-Unis

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We will dominate as much of this space as possible while maintaining an awesome community and environment for all of our players. We want a team that will go radiant and beyond and get their names as well as the orgs out there.

Experiences online

  • Previous fps shooter

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


We are a fast growing esports organization called Thrifty Esports. We currently have an 8 man roster and are looking to fill out the last two spots on one of our teams. All of our players are immortal 1 or higher, and have already won more than one tournament. Currently, we are looking for a main sage who can also play sova but not required, we would take a just a sage main, as well as a dedicated cypher main. We have regular practices, scrims as much as we can in the week, a dedicated coach, and pay all entry fees for tournaments for our players. This is a serious environment where we are actively striving for our players to be the best of the best. At the same time as one of the org owners we treat our players as part of our family and take care of them in anyway that we can. If this is something your looking for please get back to us so that we can hold a tryout and give you a go! We look forward to hearing back from you.


  • immortal 1 or higher with proof
  • able to make scrims and practices regularly, someone that is striving to make a name in valorant


  • non spécifié(s)

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