
Vize Clan

Valorant | PC | Royaume-Uni

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Vize Clan is Recruting High Immortals/Radient only

What are we looking for?
Right now we are looking for any role that you play, No matter what you play you have a chance to come join and be apart of our amazing group and community.
We are looking for IGLs that know a High level of game knowledge.

18+ only
CSGO expirence is extremely helpful but not needed.
Clips, We need to see Clips of you playing to see your play style and how you play.
Proof of Rank
Toxicity or Abuse is not allowed

Why should you join us?
Our goal is to play aganist high tier teams in big tournements with cash prises. We look for Comptitive players alike looking to make a name for yoursevles and ourselves through gaming, by joining us you will be apart of something big that will be going on for years to come, We have an amazing mangament team that are organising big things for the near future for our players such as GFX/VFX artist, Video Editors, Social Media promotion and to the captain of the Valorant team a say in the direction of the team, We will be looking to launch our Valorant Roster on the 10th of August with additon of a introduction Video on our Youtube Channel.

If you are interested in joining us please feel free to DM me and we can get you set up within our recruitment program (Please note recruitment process with be quick and snappy you will NOT be waiting for more then a week for an answer on wether or not you have been accepted into Vize, we focus on amazing players and quick outcomes.)


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Cette équipe n'est actuellement plus en recherche active de joueurs.
Vous pouvez attendre la prochaine campagne de recrutement de cette équipe ou alors devenir premium afin de postuler en "liste d'attente". L'équipe sera alors notifiée de votre fort interêt pour la rejoindre.

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