
Boomers Against Zoomers

Valorant | PC | États-Unis

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To give the best you possibly can in a game, round, situation.
We have the competitive spirit to become better players and adjust our game accordingly.

Experiences online

  • Cal-M/IM
  • ESEA-Open/IM

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Looking for more potential players to join our team. My friend and I have previous league experience in games like source and csgo looking to transfer some of those skills into a Valorant team together.
We have the mindset that we're never going to go pro but we want to take our Valorant game to the next level and compete in leagues/tournaments to compete at a high level. For right now, the team is mainly focusing on doing Competitive runs to rank up and feel more comfortable to play with each other and later we will pursue leagues. If you want to go pro, this is the wrong team.
We're old and love competitive fps so if this is something you're looking for, please DM me.


  • Plat ranking or higher
  • Previous league experience is a plus
  • Age 25+ preferred
  • Mature and level headed
  • Ability to take criticism
  • Can practice during the weekdays at night, we're night owls and we usually stay up late
  • Understand that we want to be competitive and that we're never going pro
  • Can perform under pressure


  • non spécifié(s)

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