
Anomaly Gaming

Valorant | PC | États-Unis

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We want to take the esports world by storm with a different effect than the rest of the croud! we want to bring a new aspect of content to the world of esports and content creation!

Experiences online

  • plenty of gametime ~1000hrs in cs

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Anomaly Gaming is the best up and coming org there is and Taking over the Valorant scene is our next objective. as of right now we are looking for committed players and staff that know the scene well and want to take it to the top! i have a list of open positions that need to be filled and am searching for great candidates to take those spots. but they arent just first come first serve, you will be interviewed and tested on game knowledge and skill for players, game knowledge, tactical thinking, and teaching for coaches, and analyzing and critical thinking for analysts. we are excited to get this part of our great destiny soon!!


  • NA
  • 17+
  • have a mic
  • consistent availabilty
  • willing to grind
  • can work with teammates even if they arent as good as you


  • Top Flight Media

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