
IsHoTtt eSports

Valorant | MULTIPLATFORM | Liban

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Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Hello Gamers,

A quick introduction:

IsHoTtt eSports was founded by some friends that wanted to have a unique name with each other. After a while they saw a huge potential in the team due to their nice performance in Fortnite. That created a huge database for them and it went all the way to being number 1 team in the country.

We have over 5000 followers on instagram ( link can be found below ) and we have over 25000$ in fortnite earnings.

We have decided it's time to get our Valorant team out there, and become well known in the Valorant community.

So there you go, If you like to join us join our discord and hit me up

Looking forward.


  • non spécifié(s)


  • Solo.to
  • GB Arena

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