

Valorant | PC | États-Unis

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offre de recrutement
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Go pro, obviously. Until then, Aspire strives to climb in Valorant's ranks and play at a higher level. We want to participate in tournaments, and we want to win.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Aspire is an upcoming Valorant team based in North America looking for ambitious and driven players to join. We want a team that can take a loss and learn from their mistakes, as well as give insights on how the team as a whole can perform at a higher level. We need dedication, a willingness to learn and improve, and an overall enjoyment of what we do. Our intent is to attend as many tournaments as we can manage, as well have regular scrimmages with other teams to better improve the team as a whole. We want to take this game as seriously as possible, while maintaining the fun and enjoyment that comes with it.


  • Must have a somewhat flexible schedule (things like these can be discussed and changed)
  • Must have a discord/mic
  • Must reside in NA (North America)
  • Only looking for an initiators that play Sova and Fade


  • non spécifié(s)

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