
Turbine Esports Valroant

Valorant | PC | États-Unis

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We hope to build a team that's a family and a champion caliber roster.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hello and welcome to the Turbine esports valorant team page. If you are looking to be on a team that wants to start from scratch your in the right place. A little bit about our org we started in the IGL. We placed to 3 in our first season as the team was formed in days before the deadline. That was the birth of Turbine Esports. the following season we had two teams. Then after that we took a little time off. Once the start of the year hit we started to recruit hard we have a simi pro in RL in EU and NA. we are growing fast day by day.
Now we are starting our valorant team. we hope to have players that want to get there name out there.


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