
Escape Velocity

Valorant | PC | États-Unis

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Starting out, we are not currently looking to sign any players to contracts. We are looking for a high level team, and if there is success and improvement, in the future going on contract for pay may be an option, but that is down the road a way. For any game that Escape Velocity gets into, we want to compete at the highest level. Our goal for every game is to push for the main stage and compete at the highest level possible.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Escape Velocity is an org that currently has a CSGO team, a COD team, and also a Rocket League team who is pushing for RLCS. We have had a Halo team in the past. We are branching out to try and put together a Valorant team in the near future. We have a great community and a very supportive staff team. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have.


  • non spécifié(s)


  • SoarDogg
  • Freshen Up Hydration Blend
  • Nerd or Die
  • Bulk Supplements

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