
Team Decimal

Valorant | PC | États-Unis

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With the whispers of a format change coming to the Valorant competitive system, Team Decimal's ambition is to rise through the ranks and into the spotlight in Valorant's new structure. Hard work, dedication, and loyalty to the team will mold our roster into a viable contender in the near future.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Team Decimal is a newly formed org building off the foundations of past success with it's core members. New name, new org, new look, and a complete rebirth into the Valorant scene on a clean slate built from experience in the grind of the T2 competitive environment. Our roster prides themselves on dedication, hard work, attention to detail, and the knowledge that a split second counts on a professional level.


  • Minimum Rank Ascendant preferred
  • Actively looking for initiator/duelist flex to fill a roster opening due to org change.
  • West Coast time zone preferred but willing to consider
  • Availability for practice 5-6 times per week.


  • non spécifié(s)

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