
Team Stellar

Valorant | PC | États-Unis

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We hope to make it big in the Esports industry. Team Stellar is hoping to become a team that is not to be messed with.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Team Stellar is an North American Esports team that will be competing in tournaments for games such as Valorant, Overwatch/Overwatch 2, League of Legends, and possibly Rocket League. We are starting out very small but we are very dedicated to this team and are willing to do almost anything for our players. Since we are a small community we also need staff and such to help manage the teams. We welcome any and everyone that would like to join no matter the rank. There will be different divisions for each skill level: Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Prospects. If you would like to join the team just to be a part of the organization you will be welcomed as well.


  • Must be at least 16+ (Some exceptions may apply based on the reason for joining)
  • Must be positive and supportive
  • Must be able to handle constructive criticism.


  • non spécifié(s)

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