
Deaths Spark

Valorant | PC | Roumanie

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To play in Tournaments, championships and improve every day

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I am an independent player who wants to make a team and start playing in the pro leagues
I am looking forward for any players Romanian/English who have the ambition to make Valorant more then just a game
-You need to have an flexible program I work a job with 2 shifts so I know how it is to not have a fix program, as long as we can match our programs good I thing we can work around it
-You need to have over 18 years
-Be flexible with agents it is ok to have a main that you play but it would be good to have at least a minimum level of knowledge about all the agents
-And don t be toxic you need to remember that above all we play this game to feel good and improve no one is good at everything and we all have bad days


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