
Zenus Gaming

Valorant | PC | États-Unis

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Create our Valorant Team during 2023
Grow our socials early 2023 before focusing on tournaments
Get our first sponsor during the 2023 year
Grow our org to dominate the Apex and Valorant Scene

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Zenus Gaming is looking to work with you, and take your Valorant career to the next level! Either If you just want to make the journey towards dominating the professional valorant scene or want to grow your Valorant name then we're happy to help you. We're an established organization already with team socials, managers, a PR Team, and a discord community. With an established Apex team already Zenus Gaming looking to on board some amazing players with talent on to our new Valorant team.

Currently looking for
4 Valorant Pros (Diamond at minimum)
Valorant Coaches
Valorant Managers
Valorant Content Creators (Needs to be able to submit weekly gameplay to our editors)

If you feel you're ready to take your career to the next level, and to have a dedicated org working with you, focused on getting you there. Then contact us at Zenus Gaming


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