

Valorant | PC | Inde

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offre de recrutement
Pas d'évaluations


Dedication and Passion
Never Give up
Be a novice or a Pro Gamer

Experiences online

  • Needs to be good at any fps games
  • Needs to go as a team and should play for the team

Experiences offline

  • need to know some editing for you to create your own videos to share with the esports youtube channel


This Clan is Called EdexEsports We are A new E-Sports Team dedicated to serve respect and encourage gamers To Let their Dreams be Reality Youd dont have to be a Try hard or a sweat as we dont care Because if you are not that good of a player We will Train you

The owner of this Clan is a E-sports Player and is this team is registered to an actual company that provides a different Service and was started in 2005
This clan is found at 2020 and we want you to join us

And we will pay you if you are a 1% player and win tournaments with us
you need to be available during touranments and the tournament prize will be split equally among the sqaud that won


  • A decent System (shouldnt lag at all)
  • A discord accound for us to contact you and to maintain contact with the team


  • Edex Study Abroad
  • 4lions studios

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Vous pouvez attendre la prochaine campagne de recrutement de cette équipe ou alors devenir premium afin de postuler en "liste d'attente". L'équipe sera alors notifiée de votre fort interêt pour la rejoindre.

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