
Ocean Esports

Valorant | PC | Allemagne

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We want to get the best team in every Game

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Hello, we are Team Ocean,
an international e-sports team with big ambitions. We're here to answer a few questions you might have about us.

We are Team Ocean, a team from different countries and games that aims to become the best. We work closely with different game developers to bring you exciting events and entertainment. We have a good structure and organization, but we are still looking for talented players and other roles in our team.

We are just at the beginning of our journey as Team Ocean. We have many plans and visions on how to dominate international e-sports in all games. But for that we need your help! We are still looking for managers who can help us with organization, communication and planning. If you feel like becoming part of our team, create a ⁠『📞』𝚂𝚞𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝 and get in touch with us. We are still building and are open to any help and feedback. We want to build a strong and friendly community that grows and has fun together. #OceanRising


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