
Rhino Esports Academy

Valorant | PC | Royaume-Uni

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To help young players become better players and to enable them to improve their skills in a kind and welcoming environment that doesn't stand for toxic behaviour.
To eventually compete at a good standard and to be able to pay our players little sums of money.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hello, I am the owner of Rhino Esports and I am wanting to branch off into the younger side of Valorant and help to develop young prospects in the community. I am wanting some young players than are hardworking, kind, welcoming, non toxic and determined to get better. This is key as if you can show me that you are good enough and that you can be bothered to put in the effort you will given more chances and more responsibility inside the team and possibly even promoted into the main team. We may be a small team that is just starting out however we want to start early and create a good strong team that can compete in the lower levels of Valorant competitions while slowly building our way up to becoming a strong team capable of winning competitions at a good standard.

If you are wanting to help me in this goal please apply for a position as either a player or as a member of staff.

Thank you for reading this,

Rhino Esports


  • Not Toxic
  • Kind
  • Hard working
  • Determined
  • Helpful
  • Over 12 under 20


  • non spécifié(s)

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