

Valorant | PC | États-Unis

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Grow as an org

Experiences online

  • Multiple CSGO lans

Experiences offline

  • Multiple csgo LANS


With the fast approach of the new FTP 5v5 FPS Valorant, Vertex will be picking up 6 Players for Competitive Valorant.

Have you put hours and hours on end into learning first person shooters? Do you have a competitive drive for eSports? Are you looking to challenge yourself and grow as a player every single day?

If that sounds like you i think you might be interested in Vertex.

Vertex is a small North american / EUW organization looking to put ourselves on the map, We have alot of funding as our owner takes this very seriously and understands the rise of esports and the opportunity to grow and strive as an organization.
Our short-term goal is to find 6 (5 starters and a sub) Competitive ready FPS stars and give them the opportunity to play in LANs, Travel and find success in a passion that is hard to find a footing in.

No matter what your FPS background if you have the drive and skill for this, we want you!

Over the next few weeks we will be selectively choosing applicants to participate in a Launch tryout.

If you really think you have what this takes please contact us!


  • Experience in FPS genre beyond matchmaking
  • Understanding of critical thinking and competitive play
  • Basic english and communication


  • D&B Customs

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